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Lasha Talakhadze: How to conquer Olympus / Preparation for #Tokyo2020

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We had a unique opportunity and went to the Georgian Olympic weightlifting team, which has already started its performances in Tokyo. We filmed a whole day of training of Georgian athletes, where they focused on the preparation of the strongest person on the planet, Lasha Talakhadze. The main question: will Lasha lift total 500 kg, we cannot give an exact answer. So, watch the video and share your thoughts!


00:00 Film overview
01:05 Welcome to Georgia
01:30 Meet Khakhi Khakhiashvili
03:40 Olympic weightlifting base
04:55 When did you see Lasha for the first time?
07:45 Meet the legend
08:20 Lasha superhuman
12:40 Why are you so serious?
15:15 Athlete development
19:00 What is the main goal of todays training?
21:05 Anton Pliesnoi
21:40 Lasha's personal coach
23:30 Lasha's measurements
25:40 250 kg Jerk
26:20 Lunch with team
31:20 What is a desire?
33:25 Lasha's bodyweight
34:20 Second training
35:15 Lasha's warm-up
42:00 Wider grip for Lasha?
44:25 Night before the competition
46:00 Coach dream

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Weightlifting TAPE: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Weightlifting-Powerlifting-Crosslifting-Sweatproof-Breathable/dp/B083YNW9LW/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=gewichtheben+tape&language=de_DE&qid=1627483566&refinements=p_78:B083YNW9LW&sr=8-1
Liquid CHALK: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Improves-Weightlifting-Powerlifting-Deadlifting-Gymnastics/dp/B08DJD3D88/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=gewichtheber+kreide&qid=1627482331&refinements=p_78:B08DJD3D88&sr=8-1

Lasha's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/talakhadzelasha_official/
Anton's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pliesnoi.anton/

Torokhtiy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/torokhtiy
Torokhtiy's Site: https://torokhtiy.com
Warm Body Cold Mind Site https://warmbody-coldmind.com

#Tokyo2020 #weightlifting #Lasha

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